Flights from Chicago to Washington Dc (CHI to WAS)

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Search Cheap Flights from Chicago to Washington Dc

Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America. Commonly referred to as "Washington", "the District", or simply "D.C.", the city was founded as the seat of government after the American Revolution and was named after first President of the United States and its Founding Father- George Washington. Washington was planned on a grid system with expansive streets and avenues in a quadrilateral shape, while their frontiers provide plenty room for landscaping. This strategy was earlier followed in the scheming of other famous cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan. Today, travelers will find it as the city host to nearly 200 foreign embassies and international organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Things to do in Washington, DC

Washington Monument

Washington Monument encompasses a 555-foot white shaft that is the icon of the National Mall. Inside the shaft are the inscribed stones from a number of states, foreign countries, civic groups, and individuals. Washington Monument is a magnificent sight, especially when it is mirrored in the Reflecting Pool at its foot. Travelers can come across the different stages of its building by three changes in the color of its facing stones.

United States Capitol

United States Capitol, the home of the United States Congress, is the seat of the legislative branch of the federal government in the US. It is located atop Capitol Hill of the National Mall in Washington, DC. United States Capitol has experienced multiple expansions and is now hallmarked by a grand dome and a marble terrace. The interiors are exemplary with numerous frescoes, reliefs, and paintings related to American history.

White House

White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. The building was built in 1792 and offers guided tours to visitors. A major attraction near the White House is the White House Visitor Centre, where visitors can explore interactive exhibits about the White House and the presidential families.

Best Time to Visit Washington, DC

Best time to book flights from Chicago to Washington DC is from June to August. It is the season when visitors can have a great time enjoying its famous sports event called Citi Open. Travelers are advised to book Washington DC flights in advance to avoid paying more at the last minute.

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