Flights from Miami to Aruba (MIA to AUA)

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Search Cheap Flights from Miami to Aruba

A Caribbean island located near Venezuela, Aruba is one of the four small countries that together form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The city was discovered in Spain in 1499 AD and was acquired by the Dutch in 1636 until it split from Netherlands Antilles in 1986. Aruba is a flat island recognized for its powdery white sand beaches, turquoise seas, warm waters and humid climate. Tourists prefer spending their vacations here since of its pleasant climate and year-round temperature and moderate rainfall. Visitors can enjoy horseback riding, jeep safari, hiking, cycle tours, rock climbing, sailing, snorkelling and scuba-diving here.

Things to do in Aruba

Baby Beach

Baby Beach is a shallow, cozy, man-made lagoon positioned on the southeast end of Aruba. It is termed thus as its waters are tranquil and safe for very small children as well. Due to this reason, snorkelling here is an attraction. The marine life near the beach mainly encompasses barracuda, squid, parrot fish, blowfish, angelfish, and eels.

Alto Vista Chapel

Also called the Pilgrims Church, Alto Vista Chapel is a small hilltop Catholic chapel on the island of Aruba. The church boasts a bright yellow exterior and is observed as a religious monument by the multitudes. This mid-20th century church is located on the site of a former mid-18th century original chapel.

Arikok National Park

Arikok National Park covers nearly one-fifth of the space on the island of Aruba. The park features 3 primary geological formations counting a lava formation, a quartz diorite formation, and a limestone formation. Arikok National Park features some of the island's oldest Arawak paintings and numerous aboriginal reptile species like cascabel, santanero and Aruban whiptail lizard.

Best Time to Visit Aruba

The best time to book flights from Miami to Aruba is in the summer season from June to August. Passengers booking flights from MIA to AUA will find that this is the prime time for beach lovers and the city’s roads are thronged with the tourists who have come to enjoy events like Comic-Con and San Diego County Fair.

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