Flights from Miami to Washington Dc (MIA to WAS)

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Search Cheap Flights from Miami to Washington Dc

Commonly referred to as "Washington," "the District," or simply "D.C.," Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America. It is a dense city on the Potomac River. Neighboring the states of Virginia and Maryland, Washington is also defined by remarkable neoclassical monuments and buildings including White House, the Capitol, and Supreme Court. The city is also home to a plethora of iconic museums and performing-arts venues. Almost all the major tourist attractions in the city are in or near the northwestern quadrant and hence are best seen on foot.

Things to do in Washington DC

United States Capitol

United States Capitol is the seat of the House of the Representatives and the Senate. It is popular around the globe as an icon of the United States of America. The building features a mammoth dome that is based on the dome of St. Peter's in Rome.


At Newseum, visitors can enjoy a walk through modern American history and relieve various events of the history as they happened and were reported. It amalgamates interactive exhibits, films, and static displays to demonstrate how public learns of breaking events.

Washington Monument

Washington Monument features a 555-foot white shaft that is the icon of the National Mall. The shaft features engraved stones from several states, civic groups, foreign countries, and individuals. The shaft is unquestionably a wonderful sight, especially when it is mirrored in the Reflecting Pool at its foot.

Best Time to Fly to Washington DC

Weather-wise, the best time to book flights from Miami to Washington DC is from March to May and then from September to November when the sweltering summer is gone. In the autumn season, the weather becomes soothing with changing leaves and crisp breezes, which is also an excellent time to book Washington DC flights.

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