Flights from Newark to Cali (EWR to CLO)

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Search Cheap Flights from Newark to Cali

Usually known by its short name Cali, Santiago de Cali is the most populous city in southwest Columbia. This city is the capital of the Valle del Cauca department. It is the only major Columbian city with access to the Pacific Coast and therefore it is the main urban and economic pivot in southwest Columbia. This city is also a hub for sports in the country. It is a pulsating city that also features a mixture of cultural heritage and natural retreats.

Things to do in Cali

Zoologico de Cali

Zoologico de Cali, one of the most popular zoo in the country, is an apt place to visit for families and wildlife aficionados alike. This zoo is home to several exotic animals such as tigers, monkeys, huge iguanas, and pink Andean flamingos.

Gato de Tejada

Gato de Tejada, a rather uncommon tourist attraction in Cali, is a beautiful park that pays honor to renowned Columbian artist Hernando Tejada, the architect of the well-known central sculpture of the cat. The artist sadly passed away just a few years after the construction of the sculpture and numerous local artists got together and carved another 15 feline sculptures un the park in his honor.

Iglesia de San Antonio

Iglesia de San Antonio, located on the top of a hill to the west of the historical center in Cali, is an imposing 18th-century church encompassing several unique wood-carved religious artifacts. Key element of attraction here is the stunning surrounding park offering outstanding views of the city.

Best Time to Visit Cali

Weather-wise, the best time to book flights from Newark to Cali is from December to March. If booking Cali flights for this duration, travellers must ensure that they do it well in advance.

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