Flights from Oakland to Atlanta (OAK to ATL)

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Search Cheap Flights from Oakland to Atlanta

Delta Air Lines to offer year-round nonstop flight from Oakland to Atlanta commencing 9 June 2019!

Delta Air Lines, in its recent announcement, has stated to offer year-round direct flight from Oakland to Atlanta commencing 9 June 2019. In the beginning, the service will be operated on a daily schedule and will shift to a Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday schedule in October.

Atlanta is the capital and most populous city of the state of Georgia in the United States. Founded as a transportation hub in 1837, After being mostly burned to the ground during the American Civil War, the city rose from its ashes to become a regional center of commerce. During the Civil War, Atlanta was torn between the warring factions- Confederate and Union, and the city went through carnage. This iconic turn of events inspired Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer Prize winning novel- Gone with the Wind. Atlanta is home to Coca-Cola and CNN, two of the world leaders in their respective sectors.

Things to do in Atlanta

Georgia Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is the world's second largest aquarium. It is home to more than 100000 aquatic creatures, some major names here include whale sharks, rare albino alligators and California sea lions. The aquarium lets the visitors to dive or snorkel in the tank with the sharks, provided the diver has a valid SCUBA diving certification.

Atlanta Botanical Garden

The Atlanta Botanical Garden is home to many beautiful landscaped gardens, formal flower beds and majestic trees native to Midtown Atlanta. This year-round attraction is however best visited in the spring season when the flowers are in full bloom, and the garden is full of colors and fragrances. You should visit here for the Winter Garden, the Japanese Garden, the Conservation Garden, and the Desert House.

Centre for Civil and Human Rights

Atlanta’s Center for Civil and Human Rights is home to a vast resource of Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. It presents the same with vintage television newscasts, speeches, photos, videos, personal accounts, and interactive experiences. The Human Rights Movement gallery here features the violation of human rights issues like the Apartheid in South Africa, the rights of children and others, etc.

Best Time to Visit Atlanta

Summer season (the months from June to August) are the best to book your flights from Oakland to Atlanta. Book your flights from OAK to ATL during summers to enjoy famous cultural events like Atlanta Food & Wine Festival, Decatur BBQ, Blues & Bluegrass Festival and Atlanta International Fashion Week. It is advised to book Atlanta flights in advance to avoid paying more during peak season.

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