Flights from Oakland to Houston (OAK to HOU)

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Search Cheap Flights from Oakland to Houston

Houston is the most populous city in the state of Texas. It is the fourth-most populous city in the United States. An outstandingly multicultural and assorted city, Houston features a notable museum and arts scene and has evolved as one of the leading performing arts venue over last 50 years. Its theatre district is among the top 3 in the country. Tourists can enjoy performances related to all major performing arts disciplines like opera, ballet, music, and theatre in its Houston Grand Opera, Houston Ballet and Alley Theatre.

Things to do in Houston

Houston Grand Opera

Houston Grand Opera is the only company in the world to be awarded at least one Grammy Award, Emmy Award and Tony Award. This opera facility is located in Houston and treats its visitors with six to eight top-class productions per season.

Alley Theatre

Alley Theatre is a Tony Award-winning indoor theatre located in Downtown Houston. Renowned for its world premiere of Jekyll & Hyde in 1990, this famous theatre is among the three oldest resident theatres in the United States of America.

JPMorgan Chase Tower

JPMorgan Chase Tower, formerly Texas Commerce Tower, is the tallest building in the city and state. It is also the tallest five-sided building in the world and stands as a 75-story high-rise building constructed between 1979 and 1981 at a cost of USD 2 billion.

Best Time to Visit Houston

The best times to book flights from Oakland to Houston are the spring and fall seasons from February to April and September to November respectively. During this period, the city celebrates its famous event Livestock Stock and Rodeo in March. If booking for peak season, it is advisable to book Houston flights in advance to avoid paying more at the last minute.

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