Flights from Oakland to Morelia (OAK to MLM)

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Search Cheap Flights from Oakland to Morelia

Morelia (also known as Valladolid from 1545 to 1828 AD) is a historic city, capital and municipality of the state of Michoacán in central Mexico. It is in the Guayangareo Valley and is situated on the banks of Rio Grande de Morelia river between Mexico City and Guadalajara. This mid-16th century city was later a Colonial Spanish stronghold. A good way to start exploring Morelia goes through its the Plaza de los Martires, a city square that features ornate arcades and elaborately designed terraces on the nearby houses. Also, of note here is Palacio de Gobierno, a classic signature of Baroque architecture that features murals depicting the history of independence and Mexico's revolution.

Thins to do in Morelia

Morelia Cathedral

Built over a 100 years period from 1640 AD, Morelia Cathedral is a centrally-located, pinkish-brown cathedral located in the city's main square. Built of trachyte stone, this superb signature of Baroque architecture is topped with azulejo-decorated dome. The Morelia Cathedral’s interiors feature many remarkable 300-year-old paintings.

Palacio de Gobierno (The Government Palace)

Located opposite to the Morelia Cathedral in the same public square is another gold standard of Baroque architecture in Morelia- the Government Palace. Built in 1770, this two-story building hosts the residence of the state legislature and is hallmarked by many artistic mid-20th century murals.

The Church of Santa Rosa de Lima

The Church of Santa Rosa de Lima is a late 16th century church in Morelia. It is built as a sum of Renaissance and Baroque architectural styles. The church is known for its gilded and painted retablos. It is flanked by one of the oldest music college of America named St. Rose of Lima College.

Best Time to Visit Morelia

Rainy season (the months from July to September) are the best to book your flights from Oakland to Morelia. Book your flights from OAK to MLM during this time of the year to have a great time exploring the architectural marvels of the city and its distinguished Colonial history. It is advised to book Morelia flights in advance to avoid paying more during peak season.

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