Flights from San Francisco to Cleveland (SFO to CLE)

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Search Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Cleveland

Cleveland, a city in the state of Ohio, is the county seat of Cuyahoga County in the US. This picturesque lakeside city along Lake Erie had a wide-ranging rock music scene in the ‘60s and the ‘70s. The city is home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cleveland is sometimes also named the ‘Forested City’ for the reason that it features approximately 23000 acres of parks and nature preserves. Some of the popular highlights in the city are the Rock and Roll of Fame, Cleveland International Film Festival and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.

Things to do in Cleveland

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland’s central lakeside attraction, presents the antiquity of several famous Rock and Roll music artists, singers and other correlated figures. This iconic museum is inside a futuristic building hallmarked by bold geometric forms and cantilevered spaces.

Cleveland International Film Festival

Cleveland International Film Festival, the largest film festival in Ohio, is celebrated as an annual film festival in Cleveland. This five-decade-old event showcases several movies over a period of eight weeks at the Cedar Lee Theatre and honors awards in many categories.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, a 183-acre zoo in Cleveland, is home to one of the largest collections of monkeys in North America. The zoo features many theme-based areas and is focally popular for its Monkey Island, where a large number of monkeys are housed without cages.

Best Time to Visit Cleveland

The best time to book flights from San Francisco to Cleveland is the summer season from June to August. During this season, the city remains soaked in the celebrations of many famous events like Tri-C JazzFest, Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival and Feast of the Assumption. If booking for the peak season, one must book Cleveland flights in advance as the airfares tend to rise during high season.

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