Flights from San Francisco to Singapore (SFO to SIN)

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Search Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Singapore

Singapore (officially the Republic of Singapore) is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. Its territory consists of one main island along with 62 other islets. Singapore is famous as a top-end vacation destination with a ton of family-and children-friendly attractions. Regarded as one of the most comfortable Southeast Asian countries to navigate in, this island nation is brimming with many world-class shopping malls, fine dining options, and above all, a distinguished history and a profound cultural diversity that can be best seen in its festivals.

Things to do in Singapore

Marina Bay Sands

The Marina Bay Sands is a resort complex, and a box bracket of an interesting museum called the Art Science Museum, the Marina Bay Sands Skypark with a viewing deck that allows panoramic views of the city, a luxury hotel, and a top-end mall bisected with a river-fed canal. The Skypark deserves a special mention because some other city’s attractions like a double helix bridge, the city’s port, and the Gardens by the Bay are visible from here.

Singapore Flyer

The Singapore Flyer is the world's largest giant observation wheel. Visitors can enjoy a ride on it by choosing a package to also enjoy an audio-visual tour of the history of Singapore and Singapore Flyer. This flyer offers panoramic views of the city below and other attractions like the city’s skyline and goes as far forward as to include a sight of the Spice Islands of Indonesia and Malaysia's Straits of Johor.

Gardens by the Bay

Located near the Marina Reservoir, Gardens by the Bay is a nature park built over 101 hectares of reclaimed land in Singapore. It features 3 waterfront gardens named Bay South Garden, Bay East Garden and Bay Central Garden. Also, of note here is its Supertree Grove in Bay South Garden where one can see native and exotic ferns, vines, orchids and plus a vast collection of bromeliads.

Best Time to Visit Singapore

Winter and summer seasons (the months from November to June) are the best to book your flights from San Francisco to Singapore. Book your flights from SFO to SIN during winters and summers to enjoy attractions like Thaipusam, Dragon Boat Festival, and the Great Singapore Sale. It is advised to book Singapore flights in advance to avoid paying more during peak season.

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It was GREAT! - Elena Dec 09, 2024


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The trip was awesome, flight left on time and arrived on time. The staff was very friendly, received assistance to the plane, and ease in Boarding. - Carolyn Oct 25, 2024

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