Flights from San Jose to Phoenix (SJC to PHX)

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Search Cheap Flights from San Jose to Phoenix

Phoenix is the capital and most populous city of the US state of Arizona. It is the most important city in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The city has evolved on the world map as ancient Native American community who made its scorched land arable by spewing a system of irrigation canals before deserting it in mid-15th century. Phoenix then became a site of numerous gruesome battles in the Civil War. Phoenix as a name was suggested by Lord Darrell Duppa, who was one of the earliest settlers in the city after the Civil War, to indicate a city born from the ruins of a former civilization. Phoenix boasts a potpourri of tourist attractions and is especially excellent to visit for history buffs.

Things to do in Phoenix

Pueblo Grande Ruin and Irrigation Sites

Pueblo Grande Ruin and Irrigation Sites are a chain of pre-Columbian archaeological sites and ruins. It seems as a raised platform mound with retaining walls spread across about 20000 cubic meters. There are also antique houses and few ball courts, the latter dating back to 750 BC.

Pioneer Living History Museum

Also named as Pioneer Village, Pioneer Living History Museum boasts 30 historic original and renovated buildings that date back to late 19 th century. Prime attraction here is a farmhouse called Meritt Farm House which was bought by a couple from the state of Missouri in 1910.

Papago Park

Papago Park, located between the cities of Phoenix and Tempe in Arizona, is home to a noteworthy series of red sandstone geological formations. These structures date back to at least 6 million years back. Papago Park was a POW camp during the Second World War and enclosed nearly 3000 prisoners then.

Best Time to Visit Phoenix

Best time to book flights from San Jose to Phoenix is from November to April. It is the season when tourists can have a great time enjoying events like ZooLights at the Phoenix Zoo, Fiesta Bowl and Arizona Beer Week. Visitors can book flights from SJC to PHX during winter and spring seasons to enjoy other attractions like McDowell Mountain Music Festival and Scottsdale Culinary Festival.

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