Flights from San Juan to Madrid (SJU to MAD)

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Search Cheap Flights from San Juan to Madrid

Madrid is the capital of Spain and the largest municipality in both the Community of Madrid and Spain as a whole. It is the most visited city in the country. This Spanish metropolis is a mirror image of the country’s centuries old regal system and its consequent art, architecture, grandeur, and performing arts. A good way to jumpstart your day in Madrid is to visit the Prado Museum for its classic artworks created during the Golden Age of Spain. This can be followed by trips to the Buen Retiro Park, the Crystal Palace and Royal Palace and Gardens.

Things to do in Madrid

Prado Museum

The Prado Museum is home to more than 5000 paintings dating back from the 12th to the early 19th century. This collection mostly has Spanish paintings and is seconded by Italian, Flemish, French, British, and German paintings too. It is best to go through this museum by asking for a paid audio guide for 50 masterpieces or 250 artworks, depending on the cost.

Parque del Retiro (or Buen Retiro Park)

The Buen Retiro Park is a centrally-located 120-hectare park located in Madrid. It was created in the 17th century and is known for its elegant ambience, lovely landscapes and tree-lined paths. Visitors can enter this park from the nearby Plaza de Independencia and then go to its attractions like the Rose Garden and the French Garden of Don Cecilio and many fountains.

Royal Palace and Gardens

Commissioned by King Philip V in the 18th century, the Royal Palace and Gardens run a close second to the French Versailles in terms of exquisiteness sand grandeur. This neoclassical superstructure is built over a raised ground and stands as a colossal work of granite and white Colmenar stone. You should visit its insides to go to its Royal Armory that contains 3000 exhibits dating back to the 16th century.

Best Time to Visit Madrid

Spring season (the months from March to May) are the best to book your flights from San Juan to Madrid. Book your flights from SJU to MAD during summers to enjoy famous cultural events like Fiesta de San Isidro and Feria del Libro. It is advised to book Madrid flights in advance to avoid paying more during peak season.

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It was GREAT! - Elena Dec 09, 2024


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The trip was awesome, flight left on time and arrived on time. The staff was very friendly, received assistance to the plane, and ease in Boarding. - Carolyn Oct 25, 2024

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