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Book Hotels in Ketchikan, Alaska

Neighborhoods to Book a Hotel in Ketchikan

Built as a boardwalk over the Ketchikan Creek, Creek Street was a famous red-light area but after the abolition of prostitution the street is known for its stunning photography backgrounds. While roaming, you will find a lot of lovely wooden buildings on either side of streets. Don’t miss the Dolly’s House, designated as a museum.

Lying in city’s central part, Downtown Ketchikan is quiet compact and can be best explored on foot. Apart from business activities, the area is filled with various notable attractions like Tongass Historical Museum and more. The Tribal Fish Hatchery features many salmons trying to climb against the pools.

A paradise for nature lovers, Betton Island Packs a punch with wilderness like setting. The island area offers a lot of spots that are ideal for camping and day paddles. Nearly located Settler's Cove State Park is features a rich flora and fauna.

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