A city in the Dillingham Census Area in the US state of Alaska, Ekwok is located on the Nushagak River. This city is located at a distance of around 69 kilometers northeast of Dillingham. Tourists can also add Dillingham in their itinerary to explore its tourist attractions along with enjoy serenity and nature's beauty at Ekwok.
Nushagak RiverA prominent river of southwest Alaska, Nushagak River begins in the Alaska Range and flows southwest to Nushagak Bay, east of Dillingham. In this river, there are found five species of Pacific salmon i.e. Chinook, pink, sockeye, coho, and chum. Other fish species found in the river are rainbow trout, Arctic char, northern pike, burbot, grayling, and whitefish.
Wood-Tikchik State ParkSpanning in a vast area of around 1.6 million acres, Wood-Tikchik State Park is named after its two separate systems of large and interlinked lakes. This park, accessible by hiring an air-taxi from Dillingham or taking a charter boat from the village of Aleknagik, is bordered by Wood River Mountains to the west and the Nushagak lowlands to the east. There are few hunting and fishing lodges in the park and the remaining portion area is an undeveloped wilderness that lures boaters, kayakers, rafters, and canoers.
Walrus Islands State Game SanctuaryAnother famous tourist destination located in vicinity to Dillingham, Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary encompasses a group of seven islands and their waters in northern Bristol Bay. Round Island, offering visitors excellent opportunity of camping, is best known among the seven of the Walrus Islands and is the largest walrus haul-out ground in Alaska. This beautiful sanctuary is affluent in a number of other wildlife species including stellar sea lions, puffins, orcas, migrating whales, and thousands of seabirds.