Flights from Las Vegas to Milwaukee (LAS to MKE)

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Search Cheap Flights from Las Vegas to Milwaukee

Milwaukee is the largest city in the state of Wisconsin and the fifth-largest city in the Midwestern United States. It is the county seat of Milwaukee County and is situated along Lake Michigan. This lakeside city is a popular destination for sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. It is nicknamed the ‘City of Festivals’ because it is chock-full of several lakeside cultural events and festivals in its summer season. Milwaukee is also a motorcycle enthusiast’s dream destination because it is home to the world-famous Harley-Davidson motorcycle company.

Things to do in Milwaukee

Harley-Davidson Museum

Dedicated to the iconic brand called Harley-Davidson that made motorcycling famous throughout the world, the Harley-Davidson Museum is more than 450 motorcycles and artefacts related to the brand. This remarkable number includes the oldest Harley-Davidson motorcycle that is called ‘Serial Number One.’

Milwaukee Art Museum

Founded in 1882, the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee is home to a stunning collection of over 20000 artworks dating back to prehistoric times. It spans many centuries and all continents, and some popular highlights here include fine prints, drawings, and photographs made in Europe and Asia. Also of note here are the Charles Allis Art Museum that is home to another classic collection of 200-year-old American and European artworks and kept in an early 20th century Tudor-style villa.

Milwaukee County Zoo

Opened in 1892, the Milwaukee County Zoo is home to 1800 animals in Milwaukee. This zoo is spread across 200 acres and is famous for the birth of polar bears and siamangs in captivity. It is also famous for its gorilla Samson, who lived from 1950 to 1981. Milwaukee County Zoo also kept Gertie the Duck and her ducklings during the First World War. It is also home to one of the largest group of bonobos who are kept in a single location outside their native Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Best Time to Visit Milwaukee

Spring and fall seasons (from March to April and September to October) is the best time to book flights from Las Vegas to Milwaukee. Make sure to book your Milwaukee flights in advance to avoid paying more at the last minute.

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