Flights from Los Angeles to Guangzhou (LAX to CAN)

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Search Cheap Flights from Los Angeles to Guangzhou

Also known as Canton, Guangzhou is a port city on the Pearl River. It is a trade hub and among the largest cities in China. Historically, it has been a strategic port and has a diverse population. The city is lined with avant-garde buildings, most notable are Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House, Guangdong Museum and Canton TV Tower Skyscraper. Guangzhou top museums include - Guangdong Folk Arts Museum housed in the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall and the Museum of the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King. The city is considered the birthplace of dim sum and has a vibrant food scene. Xiaozhou Village in the suburbs, is the artistic hub of the city.

Things to do in Guangzhou

Shamian Island

Located in the Liwan District of Guangzhou, Shamian Island is a sandbank island with a rich history. The island has a colonial past and several of its buildings belong to classical European styles. Over 150 historical buildings in Gothic, Neoclassical and Baroque style of architecture line the streets. Among them, the most popular ones include the French Catholic Chapel, White Swan Hotel, No.7 North Shamian Avenue and Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel. There are leafy pedestrian avenues all over for visitors to take a leisurely walk. Shamian Diaje is the main boulevard of the island with cafes, galleries, and pretty houses.

Chimelong Paradise

Opened in 2006, the Chimelong Paradise is the largest amusement park in the country. The park has designated zones based on different themes, namely, Whirlwind Island, Screaming Zone, Happy Kingdom, Kids’ Land and Phantom Zone which includes 4-D attractions, among others. There are also shopping and gastronomy options to keep the visitors engaged throughout their visit.

Sacred Heart Cathedral

Known locally as the Stone House, the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Jesus is a Roman Catholic Cathedral and the seat of the Archbishop of Guangzhou. It lies on the north bank of the River Pearl. The graceful building was built in 1863 and is among the very few churches to be built entirely of granite. It belongs to the Gothic Revival architectural style and is the largest Gothic Cathedral in China and Southeast Asia. Mass is conducted here throughout the week in Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, and English.

Best Time to visit Guangzhou

The best time to book Guangzhou flights is from October to December during autumn season when the weather is pleasant. March is peak tourist season of the country; however, Guangzhou is prone to rain during the same. It is advised to book Los Angeles to Guangzhou flights in advance to avoid paying more at the last minute.

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