Flights from Seattle to New York City (SEA to NYC)

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Search Cheap Flights from Seattle to New York City

Book your flights from Seattle to New York City. Renowned for having one of the most beautiful skylines on earth, New York City is one destination you simply can’t afford to miss. Also known as Big Apple, New York City is the most populous city in US particularly famous for its landmark attractions like Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building. Appreciate the majestic beauty of Statue of Liberty which is considered symbol of freedom and was a gift from France to America. Enjoy amazing light shows and delicious cuisines on Times Square which is called the crossroads of the world. Don’t forget to savor spectacular opera productions at Metropolitan Opera.
Numerous carriers offer flights between Seattle and New York City, some of the premier ones being United Airlines, American Airlines, Jet Blue Airways and US Airways. Take advantage of exclusive deals on flights to New York City and save to splurge on a vacation. It takes about five hours and sixteen minutes to cover distance of about 2,414 miles on flights between Seattle and New York City, excluding the layover time and it’s always a good idea to have someone interesting sitting beside you to pep up the entertainment quotient.

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It was GREAT! - Elena Dec 09, 2024


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The trip was awesome, flight left on time and arrived on time. The staff was very friendly, received assistance to the plane, and ease in Boarding. - Carolyn Oct 25, 2024

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