Flights from New York City to Athens (NYC to ATH)

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Search Cheap Flights from New York City to Athens

Norwegian Air announces the launch of new direct summer seasonal flights from NYC to Athens commencing 2nd July 2019!

Norwegian Air has announced the launch of new direct service from New York City to Athens for the 2019 summer season. Flights from NYC to Athens will commence from 2nd July 2019. This flight route will be operated until 26th October 2019.

Athens, the capital and largest city of Greece, is one of the world's oldest cities. It is the birthplace of Classical Greece whose history dates to around 3500 years. Tourists in this city are treated with its remarkable plethora of 5th-century BC landmarks. This city was once home to Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum. Athens is said to be the first democratic city in the European continent. The city hosted the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 and again in 2004, a highly sought-after honor very few cities in the world have.

Things to do in Athens

Byzantine and Christian Museum

Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens is among the most important museums of Byzantine Art in the world. This museum is home to a spectacular collection of more than 25000 scriptures, murals, ceramic, fabrics, and manuscripts dating back to 3rd century AD up to the late Medieval Era.

Acropolis of Athens

Acropolis of Athens is an ancient citadel featuring the odds and ends of several ancient buildings of enormous architectural and historic significance in Athens. Major highlights among all these buildings are the Parthenon and the Temple of Athena Nike.

Athens-Epidaurus Festival

Athens-Epidaurus Festival is one of the most popular festivals in Greece. It is celebrated from every year from May to October in Athens and the adjacent city of Epidaurus, and encompasses musical, theatrical and other cultural events.

Best Time to Visit Athens

The best time to book flights from New York City to Athens is during the summer season from June to August. Athens celebrates its festivals like Athens & Epidaurus Festival, International Jazz & Blues Festival and Rockwave Festival during this period, and hence it is advisable to book Athens flights well in advance if booking during the peak time.

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The trip was awesome, flight left on time and arrived on time. The staff was very friendly, received assistance to the plane, and ease in Boarding. - Carolyn Oct 25, 2024

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