Flights from San Francisco to Salt Lake City (SFO to SLC)

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Search Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is the capital and the most populous municipality of the US state of Utah. It is the religious center of the Mormons or the Latter-Day Saints. This religious cult was founded by American leader Brigham Young and his followers who had dared an 18-month trek to escape religious persecution in the mid-western United States in 1847 AD. Salt Lake City is home to the Church History Museum, a top-class museum that features many artefacts, documents, religious arts, and pieces of art related to the history of Latter Day Saints Church.

Things to do in Salt Lake City

Church History Museum

Located in Salt Lake City, the Church History Museum is the premier museum operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was formerly known as the Museum of Church History and Art. It features of a collection of artworks, artefacts, documents, photographs, tools, clothing and furniture dating back to 1847. This museum is open six days a week, except Sundays, and offers free entry for everyone.

Mormon Temple

The Mormon Temple is the exclusive place of worship of Mormons in Salt Lake City. It allows entry only of Mormons and was built in Mormon style of architecture from 1853 to 1893. It is built with granite stones and is flanked by three towers, the highest of which features a 14 feet high gold-plated statue of an angel.

Utah State Capitol

The Utah State Capitol is located on a 300-feet-high hill called Capitol Hill in Salt Lake City. Completed in 1916, the capitol is a classical masterpiece of Neo-Classical and Corinthian architectural styles. It comprises the House of Representatives, Senate, and Supreme Court of Utah. Visitors are usually wowed with its ornate interiors, grand marble rotunda and an art gallery.

Best Time to Visit Salt Lake City

Winter season (the months from November to March) are the best to book your flights from San Francisco to Salt Lake City. Book your flights from SFO to SLC during winter season to enjoy Christmas and New Year celebrations. It is advised to book Salt Lake City flights in advance to avoid paying more during peak season.

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